Friday, December 27, 2019

What It Is Like to Work for YouTube and How to Get a Job

What It Is Like to Work for YouTube and How to Get a JobWhat It Is Like to Work for YouTube and How to Get a JobChances are, youve already used YouTube either from the site directly or an embedded video on an article at some point today or in the last week. YouTube was founded in February 2005 as an verbunden destination for the viewing and sharing of original videos. It was bought out by Google in November 2006 it is now considered a leader in user-generated online videos and is the largest of all video websites. The company is located in San Bruno, CA. The Product YouTube provides an easy way for users to upload and share video clips on its site, with video playback technology originally based on Adobe Flash. The videos can also be shared through other websites, e-mail, mobile devices, and blogs - pretty much anywhere on the Internet. The sites Channels feature enables users to create personal profile pages where they can save their favorite videos, create playlists and subscri be to other peoples videos. Users are also able to search for content using keywords and select videos from a number of categories or specialized areas on the site. The company earns revenue through the different forms of advertising that appear on its site, including daily ads on the homepage,general display and text ads appearing next to search results, ads that appear within videos, and brand advertiser-sponsored contests. Now YouTube is moving more in the premium direction, with the launch of YouTube Red in 2015. The addition of premium content is a sign that the company is trying to find more ways of making money analysts have pointed out that monetization is one of YouTubes biggest challenges, given the amount of money the company needs to generate in order to cover bandwidth costs and make a profit. Working with YouTube YouTube On its website, YouTube says its company culture is rooted deeply in collaboration We dont just exchange ideas within our own teams, but work with people across all of Google to find solutions to our challenges on-screen and behind the scenes. Heres a list of skills and characteristics YouTube looks for in kompetenzprofil employees strong codersgood communication and interpersonal skillsteam-orientedresults-orientedadaptiveproactivewilling to take ownershipgood work ethicfunthrives in a flat organizationflexible You can find YouTube job openings by going to Googles job openings page and selecting California - San Bruno (YouTube). You will be able to submit your resume online. Applying for Openings at YouTube Creativity and analytical thinking skills are just as important as technical know-how for YouTube, so make sure you highlight these abilities in your resume. If you get a call from a recruiter, be prepared for the possibility of several interviews. The interview process is exactly like what Google is famous for. Your first one, which will determine whether you should be brought in for an in-person interview, will be c onducted over the phone and will last anywhere from 30 to 40 minutes. The on-site interview will evaluate core software engineering skills, such as coding, algorithm development, design patterns, data structures and analytical thinking skills. Youll be asked questions related to your area of interest, and youll be required to solve them in real-time. Interviewers will be very interested in the process you use to solve the problem, and how creative you are. Youll be talking to at least four interviewers, ranging from management to potential colleagues. After all the interviews are done, it could take up to two weeks for the hiring committee to make its decision.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

9 steps for nailing a job interview and succeeding

9 steps for nailing a job vorstellungsgesprch and succeeding9 steps for nailing a job interview and succeedingNatalie and Emily Levine, Managing Director and VP, respectively, at Career Group Inc. know a lot about hiring practices. Its their family business. So we asked them to share the 9 tips you need to know for the sometimes scary interview practice.Knowledge is power in the case of the old one-on-one.1. Know your resume inside outKnow it better than the palm of your hand. You should come prepared to tell your story It is vital that you are able to talk about your education and career trajectory without looking at your resume while doing so.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more2. Dress for the interviewDont underestimate the importance of company culture Every firm has their own feel and its important to dress accordingly. When interviewing somewhere corporate, whether it be a fi nance or real estate firm, its a must to dress the part and wear a beautiful suit with a crisp white button down. When interviewing at a creative firm, whether it be an advertising company or a contemporary fashion brand, make sure your attire is a reflection of that. Skinny black jeans with a blouse and a cute blazer is the right direction.3. Make sure you know where youre going and arrive earlyNever start an interview off on a bad foot Being on time is considered late. Google maps and Waze are here for a reason So, take advantage and map out your drive in advance. Always prepare for traffic and leave time for some parking difficulty.4. Be able to articulate why you are a good fit for the jobIf you cant explain why you are the right fit for the job, dont expect to get the job This is your time to shine and its crucial that you exude the confidence necessary to land your dream job. Make sure to always use real life examples to leverage yourself and speak to what makes you stand out. 5. Talk about the job thats open, not about the growth pathPeople want to feel like you want to prove yourself and earn your stripes.Too often candidates talk about growth too soon and consequently dont land the job Ambition is great, and goal oriented individuals should always be rewarded, but always remember you are interviewing for an open position and will need to prove yourself in that role first Its better to talk about wanting to stay with a company long term and really grow with a company and create a home for yourself at your place of work. That way there is no misunderstanding that you are expecting an immediate promotion.6. Research the company and who youre meeting withDont expect a firm to hire you if you dont know anything about it Just as important as it is to know your story, background, and resume, its equally as important to know the DNA of the company you are interviewing with.7. Come prepared with questionsAlways make sure to have at least 5 questions ready when you go on an interview. Chances are a few of them will be answered before you even get to ask them, so its best to write down several beforehand to ensure you are prepared Make sure you ask about the culture of a company, how the company is evolving, and what is important to them. Steer away from asking about salary, hours, benefits on the first round interview.8. Really be able to articulate why you left former positionsAlways be prepared to speak about why each position ended. Make sure to always stay as positive as possible in explaining why a position came to an end.9. Know your own FACTSIf you cant remember the facts pertaining to your education and career path, how can you expect a new employer to trust you? If you are not able to accurately and quickly state facts ranging from your own resume (compensation history, dates on the resume, etc). firms will have reservations in proceeding.This article originally appeared on Create + Cultivate.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

They Know Youre Old The Second They See Your Resume

They Know Youre Old The Second They See Your ResumeThey Know Youre Old The Second They See Your ResumeINBOX Jewel, Can you take a look at my detailed resume? Its 5 pages long and goes back to 1988, but theres some really important experience on there.In a word, NoAge discrimination is a real thing. It victimizes people every day. However, sometimes candidates victimize themselves. If youre in corporate America, literally no one will be willing to take a look at a 5-page resume. And its important to avoid some other key mistakes that will also have them trashing your resume the very 1st second.Your Resume Is A DissertationI know this is hard. I know this emotional. I know this is your professional life story. For all those reasons, its hard to part with information. But it has to be deleted. It simply must. 20 years is the absolute longest you can present. There is no job ad that even calls for that much experience. You have to shorten the story and deliver the highest impact 1st in o rder to move through the process.Heres the way to think about this whats your ultimate goal? To express your details from 1990, or to get your resume read in the 1st place? In my professional opinion, your 1st and only objective is to make sure the person on the receiving end wants to open your file. They wont open it if its 5 MB remember everybodys reading everything on their phones now.Youre Presenting A Job From 30 Years Ago, Because It Shows Something Different About YouOnce you do get them to open your resume, dont wave the red flag that youre old. Sometimes that happens in an effort to present different facets of your experience from different times in your professional trajectory. However, sometimes efforts to show experience simply add up to old.For example, I recently had an attorney who today is a law firm partner, but started off as a teacher. His teaching job was 38 years ago. Its important to adopt the recruiters perspective here what is he really learning about you? I ts unlikely the person is saying to himself, Oh, look at that, well, he has this teaching experience in his background Its must more likely the recruiter is thinking, OK, let me do some quick math here.Your LinkedIn Profile URL Is MissingThis is either because youre not on LinkedIn (which is a HUGE mistake thats killing your job search) or you simply didnt present your LinkedIn profile URL. However, this is critical information that cannot be skipped. When a person receives your resume, before they pick up the phone, they look up your LinkedIn profile. If you cause any barriers to that, theyre going to move past you to the next person.You cant claim to be tech savvy or comfortable with technology, but have a missing LinkedIn URL. Similarly, you cant claim to be familiar with social media and have a bare bones LinkedIn profile. The millennials youre competing with are firmly planted on LinkedIn. More importantly, the millennials making the hiring decision are searching LinkedIn to fi ll open positions.Making sure your resume is set up properly so you can fight ageism is step 1. Step 2 is knowing where to find the right opportunities, and step 3 centers on talking to the right people, so you dont have to deal with your resume just getting sucked into the Internet black hole. Learn how to do this the right way so you dont waste time. We walk you through it in our free presentation, How To Get Hired In HALF The Time Without Getting Ghosted Because Of Age Discrimination And we give you the exact language to say when the millennial HR manager tells you that youre overqualified. Click here to register now.

Friday, December 13, 2019

How Businesses Can Celebrate the Month of February

How Businesses Can Celebrate the Month of FebruaryHow Businesses Can Celebrate the Month of FebruaryMany countries adopt specific causes or special interest groups to promote during a given calendar month. Many of these national days or awareness months are commercially driven. However, many more are intended to serve more noble causes such as raising public awareness about health issues such as serious diseases, or for important global causes like climate warming and human trafficking. The United States is particularly prolific at creating national month events to promote business interests. While some may seem silly (i.e., February is National Snack Food Month), every business owner can create an event and then celebrate it with their customers and clients. For example, your business may be manufacturing heart monitors. It would make sense for you to promote heart health during the month of February because its American Heart Month. Februarys National Month Calendar Events Febr uary is full of romance and food, and many of the days celebrated in national- month events during February are food-oriented. However, February also hosts womens history and black history month, two important causes that many businesses and non-profits can easily play into. Take a look at the following events that are observed each February, throughout the month Adopt A Rescued Rabbit MonthAfrican-American History MonthAMD/Low einbildung Awareness MonthAmerican Heart MonthAmerican History MonthBake for Family Fun MonthBerry Fresh in the Sunshine State MonthBlack History/Heritage Month (Canada)Chocolate Lovers MonthCreative Romance MonthDeaf History MonthFabulous Florida Strawberry MonthFestival of Camellias MonthFrom Africa to Virginia MonthGreat American Pies MonthGreek-American Heritage MonthHuman Relations MonthInternational Boost Self-Esteem MonthIrish-American Heritage Month Library Lovers MonthMarfan Syndrome Awareness MonthMarijuana Awareness MonthMental Retardation Awarenes s MonthNational African American History Month (Black History)National Bird Feeding MonthNational Black History Month (African American)National Boost-Your-Self-Esteem MonthNational Canned Food MonthNational Care About Your Indoor Air MonthNational Cherry Pie MonthNational Childrens Dental Health MonthNational Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness MonthNational Condom MonthNational Craft MonthNational Dental Month National Get To Know an Independent Real Estate Broker MonthNational Grapefruit MonthNational Hot Breakfast MonthNational Laugh-Friendly MonthNational Mend A Broken Heart MonthNational Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness MonthNational Parent Leadership MonthNational Pet Dental Health MonthNational Senior Independence MonthNational Snack Food MonthNational Sweet Potato MonthNational Time Management MonthNational Weddings MonthNational Womens History MonthNorth Carolina Sweet Potato MonthPlant the Seeds of Greatness Month Relationship Wellness MonthReturn Shopping Carts to the Supermarket MonthSpiritual Wellness MonthSpunky Old Broads MonthWise Health Care Consumer MonthWorldwide Renaissance of the Heart Month Consider Different Promotions Look for ways that your business can benefit by promoting itself during February Is... national month. For example, if youre a restaurant, you can post recipes on your website that use the foods celebrated in February, such as sweet potatoes.Its also a no-brainer to feature those dishes in your restaurant as well. Or, offer 10 percent off those dishes during the month of February. Also, getting involved in causes is a feel-good thing to do (and its good for business). February is National Senior Independence Month and you can show your support of senior citizens by simply acknowledging them on social media platforms. Restaurant businesses can offer seniors a free dessert. With each nod to a purpose or cause that raises awareness, you also establish your own business as one that is connected to the community a nd youre showing that you care.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

List of Resume Skills - Is it a Scam?

List of Resume Skills - Is it a Scam? Alas, a lot of people make the error of creating a resume that reads like a work description. You dont need to create an entire draft of all you intend on saying (in fact thats something you would like to avoid because it will cause you to sound scripted) but its a great idea to have a list of points you need to highlight and then speak about them in the video. When you spot a career which you like, go right to the project opening on LinkedIn to discover more concerning the possibility and apply. The next thing to think about is a keyword section. The skills section ought to be toward the base of your resume. Lastly in case you have a knowledge of SEO search engine marketing lead that future employer know you have the skills to raise the businesss revenue and the way it could possibly fit into your position. Make sure that your set of skills produces a detailed picture of a person that the employer in question will truly want to employ. S uperb people skills are a critical portion of what makes you such a standout employee whod be an asset to any company that offers you an opportunity to shine. While using the later method, employers wont read every detail in your resume. It is vital that youve got to have the capability to the informations beforehand before you distributionspolitik in the specifics. In the event the info in the CV isnt presented properly, youre going to be rejected and lose the chance. Any of the vague details are easily tracked by the employer and it might make a poor impression on the employer. The New Angle On List of Resume Skills Just Released Be careful once you are job hunting or contemplating a new career not to place an excessive amount of weight on your present skills. You also ought to allow the recruiter know that youre convincing, and have the capacity to find a work done with your good communication abilities. Its possible for you to write the job winning resume only in case y ou have thorough understanding of resume writing. A persons skill set is comprised of an assortment of personal skills that theyve acquired through education and employment. Unique positions will likely require different abilities and abilities. As a consequence you wish to highlight the abilities that you have which are particular to the job for which youre applying. The issue with focusing only on your present job skills is they may not have anything to do with your passions or long-term career objectives. Effective expert development involves ensuring your wisdom and knowledge of your region of expertise for your career is always at the greatest possible level. Soft skills are the skills that are applicable to every job. Professional skills are extremely important additionally to include on your resume. You ought to be including communication skills on your resume but it ought to be carried out indirectly. Job hunting demands relentless motivation. Job applicants ought t o be precise and descriptive in regards to their personal skills. Whether you wish to locate a new work, you always have to keep a resume updated. When you are in need of a work ASAP, you have a tendency to go after jobs that you believe you can get, not those which inspire you. Up in Arms About List of Resume Skills? In the media and entertainment business, a supervisor is going to have a variety of responsibilities. The job writing will permit you to recognize precisely what you are going to have to understand about only the thing the employer is thinking about hearing about. There are quite a few other candidates applying for the identical job and you have to be distinctive and different from them to find the chance. Clearly, if youre asking for a very perplexing position, it is going to be valuable to use a number of the profound terms and specialised lingo which is used in that specific profession. As a result of increasing competition in every area, it is now important for each and every job searching individual to remain different from every other candidate to acquire attention from the employer. The reply isnt so easy. There are specific kinds of recommendations. You might also have info about any sort of skilled memberships that you possess in that.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why an Emergency Fund Should Be Part of Your Career Plan

Why an Emergency Fund Should Be Part of Your Career Plan As you progressin your career, finding a new job can become harder and harder. One of the big reasons for this has to do with salary. When you first departure working, you are generally open to just about any job and will happily take a tiny paycheck.However, as you rise through the ranks of your industry, your salary requirements will evolve.One challenging situation that many job seekers face is when they want to leave a job but are financially unable to. In general,one of two scenarios is preventing the job seeker from leaving They are either living right up to their means and spending every dollar they make each month, or they do bedrngnis have a safety net in the form of an emergency fund.A job seeker with no emergency fund who needs every dollar to pay their basic bills feels trapped. Its even worse if the job seeker is being treated poorly at work They cant financially afford to leave, bu tthey cant emotionally afford to stay.Dont Get Trapped Start an Emergency FundTo protect yourself from gettingtrapped in a scenario like the one described above, do two things.First,scale back your fixed expenses if possible. Then, take the extra money youre saving each month and put it into a savings account. That account will serve as your emergency fund. Ideally, your emergency fund should carry you through six months of living expenses. I recommend keeping your emergency fund in a savings account because itwill be protected from market fluctuations that way.Creating an emergency fund takes time and dedication. Its not something you can do overnight, and its not easy. But if you feel stuck in a badeanstalt work situation, think about how much differently you might feel if you knew you had six months of living expenses in an account just in case.The benefits of an emergency fund cant be overstressed. Having a backup plan gives you room to breathe and the power to walk away from j obs (if necessary) without having to worry about how youll pay rent.Along these same lines, when you land a new job that pays more, dont immediately jump to increase your fixed monthly expenses. A new house or car may be tempting, but give yourself a chance to decide that you really like your new job first and that the company really likes you. The last thing you want is to lose that job and be stuck with living expenses that reflect your lost income.The bottom line is this. Things can (and will) go wrong at work. You may get a bad boss. Your company may go through layoffs. But if you manage your finances carefully, youll give yourself an out. And, in the end, youll create both breathing room andprofessional freedom.A version of this article originally appeared in theMemphis Daily News.Angela Copeland is a career coach and CEO at her firm,Copeland Coaching.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Second Annual Emerging Technology Awards Recognize Technologic...

Second Annual Emerging Technology Awards Recognize Technologic... Second Annual Emerging Technology Awards Recognize Technologic... Second Annual Emerging Technology Awards Recognize Technological AdvancesFive ascending technologies and the innovators behind them were recently named as the winners of Mechanical Engineering magazines 2018 Emerging Technology Awards. The winners were announced at the IMECE keynote session earlier this month in Pittsburgh, Pa., and are highlighted in both this months issue of Mechanical Engineering and on last year, the Emerging Technology Awards recognize an innovator in each of ASMEs five core technology areas clean energy, bioengineering, robotics, manufacturing and pressure technology.The winner of the Emerging Technology Award this year in the clean energy area was Vincent Schellings of GE Renewable Energy for developing the worlds largest wind turbine, the Haliade-X, which is capable of generating 12 megawatts of electric power. The award for bioengineering went to Alex Kipman of Microsoft for the wearable holographic computer HoloLens, a mixed reality headset that blends computer-generated images with the real-world view of the user. RoboKind and its founder Richard Margolin were named the winners of the Emerging Technology Award for robotics for developing the Milo, a lower-cost robot that is being used to help teach children with autism. The award in the manufacturing category went to Airbus Emerging Technologies and Concept Groups Bastian Schfer, for creating the 3D-printed partition for separating the seating and galley areas on the Airbus A320. The Emerging Technology Award in the fifth area, pressure technology, was given to Boris Liberman of Israels IDE Technologies for developing an energy-efficient process for the reverse osmosis desalination of seawater. In his essay that introduces the Emerging Technology Awards section of Mechanical Engineering this month, ASME Executive Director Tom Costabi le writes, The technologies honored this year are incredibly diverse. They ansturm the gamut from being as gigantic as a skyscraper to being intimate enough to place on your head. One connects with hard-to-reach children one-on-one, while another is designed to provide for entire cities. And yet another reimagines a hidden component, finding a way to manufacture it, so that it weighs much less without giving up any of its necessary strength.To read more of Costabiles essay or to read ME magazine articles and watch video clips honoring the five Emerging Technology Award winners visit 2018 emerging technology awards.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Set New Year#8217;s Career Resolutions That You#8217;ll Actually Keep

How to Set New Year8217s Career beschlusss That You8217ll Actually Keep How to Set New Year8217s Career Resolutions That You8217ll Actually Keep However, I thought Id take a slightly different perspective and look at ways of creating New Yearscareer resolutions that well actually stick to, because most of us fail miserably in this regard,according to research by the University of Scranton. The study found that although 45 percent of people make resolutions, just 8 percent of us are successful in achieving ur resolutions. Twenty-five percentof New Years resolutions dont last a week, and 36 percent of them are blown within one month.Now, this doesnt mean that we should abandon New Years resolutionsthe study showed that people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to reach their goals than those folks who dont make resolutions. This means that, if done well, the New Years resolutionprocess can be an effective motivational and personal/career development tool.So, w hat can be done to help youset New Years careerresolutions that you are actually going to keep? Ive set out some tips below1. Set SMART GoalsThe best way to set goals is by using the SMART method, which means making sure that your goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bounded. Getting out of a dead-end job is too vague a goal and can easily be brushed under the carpet. Instead,say something like Be in a new, fulfilling, job/career within six months.Research from Quirkology into New Years resolutions supports this approach, as it shows people (men in particular) were more likely to succeed in achieving their goals if they set SMART goals.2. If Necessary, Break Your Resolution Down into Sub-GoalsOf course, a resolution like getting out of a dead-end job may require the achievement of several sub-goals ,such as identifying suitable careers, identifying skill gaps, addressing skill gaps, and applying to new jobs. So,Id recommend breaking down broaderNew Years re solutions into 2-4easily memorizedSMART goals to help give you momentum.3. Tell Others about Your ResolutionThe Quirkology study found that women in particular were more successful in achieving New Years resolutions when they told their friends and family and received ongoing encouragement. So, female job seekers especially might want to tell others about their New Years career resolutions to increase their chances of achieving them.4. Reward Yourself for Achieving GoalsThe Quirkology study also found that men in particular had more success in achieving goals when they focused on the potential rewards of reaching their goals. A carrot works better than a stick, and so Id recommend that male job seekers in particular take time to identify the specific benefits that will come from achieving their resolutions and any sub-goals, as mentioned in tip No. 2 for motivational effect. I would go as far to add rewards for yourself tothe plan, too, such as a big steak or a night out. Use what ever you consider a treat to incentivize you to hit those goals and sub-goals.And finally, try not to make too many New Years resolutions, as you can become overwhelmed and lose focus and motivation, increasingly the likelihood of failing to meet your objective. Also, becausea third of people break their resolutionsin the first month, set an immovable goal inthe first and second month of the year, such as signing up for a relevant training course, attendinga specific career seminar, or applying for a job.Anyway, Id love to hear what tips and tools you use to help yourself set and achieve your New Years career resolutions

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Almost 100% of women say this is the most uncomfortable work situation

Almost 100% of women say this is the most uncomfortable work situationAlmost 100% of women say this is the most uncomfortable work situationRecent research from Paychex revealed that when it comes to uncomfortable work situations, it is a little different for men versus women. The survey, which collected self-reported responses from 1,005 Americans in 2017 ages 18 to 76, found that 63.4% of male employees dont mind workplace flirting, compared to 48.8% of female employees.Also, when it comes to workplace intimacy, 46.9% of men are OK with this, versus 22.9% of women. While 88.9% of Americans say they notify HR about problems they run into at work less than half of the time, 11.1% say they do this at least half of the time.People really dont want to verstndigung im strafverfahren with this at workThe research broke down the most uncomfortable workplace situations in terms of gender.Here are the top five ways that women respondedComments about intimate activities 97.2%Accidentally graz ing (more than once) 93.6%Uninvitingly massaging shoulders 92.9%Only staring below the neckline when conversing 90.5%Sending flirty emojis 89.3%Furthermore, here are the three most popular reasons why women would seek HR comments about personal intimate activities (89.8%), accidentally grazing (more than once) (84.1%) and talking inappropriately about other women (72.6%).The research also found that 49.3% of women said theyd experienced sexual harassment on the job, and that 23.2% in this category had witnessed other colleagues going through the same thing but didnt step in.Here are the top five most uncomfortable workplace situations for menPutting hands on legs 88.4%Playful touching 82.4%Touching hands during conversation 81.7%Accidentally grazing (more than once) 80.5%Continuously insisting on meeting alone outside of work 74.2%These are the three most common reasons why men would get HR involved putting hands on legs (86.4%), playful touching (78.1%) and accidentally grazing (70 .8%).The data shows that 20.5% of men say theyve gone through sexual harassment in the office, but 11.8% of men in this category had witnessed this happening to other workers, but didnt get involved.Colleagues and managers engage in workplace sexual harassmentThese are the top three ways women say that their bosses and coworkers have done this at workStanding very close during conversation 63.8% coworkers, 38.9% supervisorsOnly staring below the neckline when conversing 57.0% coworkers, 24.5% supervisorsTalking inappropriately about other women 55.4% coworkers, 28.2% supervisorsHere are the top three ways men say that their bosses and coworkers have contributed to this in the officeStanding very close during conversation 69.1% coworkers, 43.6% supervisorsMaking suggestive comments and jokes about appearance 57.0% coworkers, 32.7% supervisorsBragging about intimate encounters 56.7% coworkers, 28.7% supervisorsHow racial discrimination plays out at workHere are the most common ways th at people of different backgrounds have experienced this in the office.Asian-American Asking where an employee really comes from, 85.2%African-American Remarking an employee sounds or acts white, 71.1%Caucasian Asking an employee to do lower-level tasks over an employee of another race, 64.2%Hispanic Using racial stereotypes to gauge work quality, 74.5%Furthermore, the research showed that while 42.1% of those surveyed said theyd gone through racial discrimination, 59.4% of people in this category said theyd seen someone else going through it but didnt get involved.